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General incorporated foundation Ishigaki ROB medical laboratory was founded on February 24th, 2013.

        The honorary professor of Tokyo University
        The honorary Chairman of The Society for Integrative Medicine Japan  
                                                                                                                                    Dr. Kazuhiko Atsumi 

        The director of Kansai medical university hospital  

                                                                                                                                    Dr. Yoji Imamura

        The former headmaster of Matsushita Institute of Government and Management  

                                                                                                                                    Mr. Kiyoshi Seki

We have been collaborated with Nagoya university on ROB therapy for the treatment and prevention of chronic disease by the Tamago theory.


We established the general incorporated foundation Ishigaki ROB medical laboratory on February 24th, 2013 to advance the research about ROB therapy, verify it more scientifically, promote the spread of ROB therapy to public and contribute to society.


We appreciate all the support and kind cooperation we received from everyone.

​《Research result》

Collaboration with Nagoya City University is currently in progress​​





1-4-4 Kasuga-cho, Yao, Osaka 581-0061, Japan

Tel: 072-991-3398

診療時間 (opening hours):


(monday-wednesday and friday) :

AM:9~12 PM:4~7

​​土曜日(saturday) : AM:9~12


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